Trains Over 146 Hotel & Restaurant Personnel In February 2018.
Mumbai, March 14, 2018: The Hotel and Restaurant Association of Western India (HRAWI) which has collaborated with the Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) to educate and equip hotels and restaurants with food safety and security standards has gained tremendous success over the last one year. As part of the Food Safety Training & Certification (FoSTaC) programme, the association organizes certification and training programmes where Subject matter experts from FSSAI counsel and guide representatives of hotels and restaurants through a series of conclaves held at various locations across the western region. In the month of February 2018 alone the Association trained and certified 111 personnel in Food Safety Supervisor in Advance catering and 35 in Master Trainer Certification Programme.
Food Safety Supervisor Trainings in Advance Catering were conducted in Mumbai on the 1st, 7th and 28th February while the Master Trainer Certification Programme was conducted in Raipur, Chhattisgarh on 9th February, 2018. The association will continue to conduct the certification programmes across the western region.
“We are pleased with the kind of success the initiative has received. The aim has been to make as many FBOs compliant and ready well before requisites becomes a mandate. More than being compliant, food safety must be a priority for any enterprise conducting business in this domain.
A large section of hoteliers and restaurateurs understand this and have opted to get its staff trained and certified. We will continue to hold the training and certification programmes in the future, the details of which will be announced on our official Facebook page,” says Mr Dilip Datwani, President, HRAWI.
Corporate Comm India(CCI Newswire)